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  • Welcome to my New Weblog!

    Everything has to start somewhere, and so this is my initial post to this new weblog.

    I’d like to explain why I want to share some reflections on practicing Jungian case studies in Halton and Peel regions.

    Why Halton and Peel?

    Because there are unique aspects to the practice of case studies in Halton and Peel.  Work with people in these suburban towns and cities on the western side of the Greater Toronto Area has some aspects that differ dramatically from work with people in, say, inner city or rural settings.  People living here face challenges and opportunities that are characteristic of the way of life found in this part of the world. People who live here have their own unique story.  I hope to say a lot more about what I mean by this in the course of this blog.

    Well, why a weblog on Jungian case studies?

    Because the Jungian approach to this kind of work is essentially different from that found in other kinds of case studies.  This is not to say that there isn’t much to be learned from other approaches – my varied training has taught me that there certainly is.  But I believe that the Jungian approach is unique in the emphasis that it places on finding personal meaning, personal depth, and personal value.  And the way in which this is done is through exploration of the symbols that emerge in the individual’s life.

    The exploration of this path is not merely a technique to “cure” some “disease”.  It is the heart of the fundamental human journey, the “Journey to Wholeness” which appears in the richness of the mythology of all times and places.

    I’m enthused to be exploring these things with you in this blog, and to be dialoging with you on these important topics.

    Brian Collinson, Psychotherapist and Jungian Analyst

    PHOTO:  Attribution Share Alike  © John Talbot modified ; Ramón Cutanda López modified;
    © 2014 Brian Collinson, 2238 Constance Drive Oakville, Ontario (near Mississauga)